How to Find LGBT Friendly Dentists Near Me

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Did you know that discrimination still prevents LGBT folks from accessing healthcare?

According to a 2017 survey, almost 1 in 10 LGBT patients were refused treatment by a healthcare professional, based on their sexual orientation. For trans people, that number rose to 1 in 3 patients.

In the eyes of many LGBT Australians, these numbers are anxiety-inducing, especially when it comes to dental care.

How can you find gay-friendly dentists? Is it as simple as searching for “LGBT friendly dentists near me”?

At the Bondi Dentist, we care a lot about making sure that the LGBT community has access to quality dental care. We have put together a full guide to finding an LGBT-friendly dentist in your area.

Talk to Your Friends

The best way to find a queer-friendly healthcare provider is by talking to people in your community. If LGBT folks in your area love one dentist, chances are you will feel comfortable with that dentist too.

This method will also help you learn about dentists with bad reputations so that you can avoid them.

If your immediate friend group doesn’t have any suggestions, don’t be afraid to reach out to local queer community centres. Many LGBT collectives offer pamphlets and brochures loaded with queer-friendly healthcare provides. Don’t be afraid to swing by your local community centre and ask a lot of questions. The information that you can garner from these locations is priceless.

Search: “LGBT Friendly Dentists Near Me”

Okay, we know that searching this exact line of text may seem silly. However, the internet is full of information about different dentists.

If you don’t live in an area with an active queer community centre, you might want to use the internet to learn more about a potential provider. The only problem is that the internet is a big place, and it can be difficult to know where to start.

We recommend starting your search by identifying dentists in your area. Next, start parsing through online reviews.

Read very carefully. Did other patients consider the dentist “open-minded” and “professional”? Was the dentist often characterized as “progressive” and “interested in the comfort of their patients”? Or, better yet, did the dentist have a “non-discrimination policy”?

These are all great signs to check out a new dentist. However, a person with a “questionable bedside manner” is probably not the dentist for you.

Call the Dentist’s Office

Sometimes the best way to get good information is by going straight to the source. Calling the dentist’s office prior to your first appointment can be an illuminating experience.

Ask the receptionist if the dentist is considered LGBT-friendly. Inquire into the dentist’s non-discrimination policy.

Pay attention to the receptionist’s answers and tone of voice. These are great indicators of how your experience at the office will be.

Make an Appointment Today

If you are looking for an LGBT-friendly dentist in Bondi Junction, look no further. The search for “LGBT friendly dentists near me” will point straight to us.

The Bondi Dentists aim to provide a safe space to the queer community. Our patients never have to doubt their ability to access high-quality care.

Fill out this contact form and send us your request. We will make sure that you feel comfortable, while we make your teeth shine.