Post Treatment Care in Dental Clinics: What to Expect

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In Australia, around 10% of children and 16% of adults have anxiety towards dental services. Previous bad experiences and uncertainty as to what happens in the care process both contribute to dental anxiety. That’s why many dentists today use a gentle, careful approach.

The gentle approach includes post-oral treatment care. This type of post-dental treatment is designed to help patients recover in the best possible way. In this article, you will learn what you can expect from this care post-dentist visit.

Primary Post-Oral Treatment: In-House Care After a Procedure

The first phase of care involves the steps the dentist will take to minimise complications flowing from the service. You won’t need significant interventions after something like a checkup or cleaning, but you might need extra help after dental surgery.

One common post-op intervention for most surgeries and extractions is the application of ice to reduce excess swelling. The doctor may also give a patient something to put in their mouth to soak up or stop excess bleeding.

Dental pain is quite common, especially for the first two weeks after an extraction or surgery. A dentist may provide or recommend a mild painkiller to help a patient mitigate pain.

Post-Dental Treatment Instructions for Patients at Home

Post-operative instructions are also a key aspect of the recovery process. One example of standard instructions includes sticking to cold, soft foods for a day or two. These types of instructions aim at either assisting the healing process or reducing pain.

You may also get instructions related to the causes of your problem. For example, if grinding caused the problem, post-operative instructions would include using a mouth guard or a jaw relaxation routine.

Following these instructions is crucial. Failure to do so can halt the healing process or worsen your oral health.

Follow-up Appointments and Care Post Dentist Visit

It’s quite common to set a follow-up appointment if you’ve had dental surgery. Good dentists use these appointments to track the healing process. They can also use these appointments to see if a patient has stuck to their instructions and whether they need further care.

Dentists can also do important work in these sessions. For example, a dental cleaning appointment after dental surgery prevents bacteria from infecting that part of the mouth the dentist had worked on. 

In some cases, a patient’s treatment may require multiple surgeries that build on each other’s progress. Patients can expect dentists to prepare them for the next significant procedure if these visits fall between the main appointments.

At the Bondi Dentists, every patient who underwent major dental procedures such as surgical treatments, extractions and crown/bridge work, receive a follow up phone call the following work day. This is to ensure that any emergencies are addressed and pain relief is managed accordingly.

Taking Oral Health Seriously

Going to the dentist, for whatever reason, is crucial to your oral health. It’s also important to maintain that care post-dentist visit. Most dentists use a method of post-dental treatment to facilitate this.

Firstly, post-oral treatment care involves cleaning, icing, and pain reduction after a procedure. Then, the dentist will give instructions on maintaining a healthy mouth at home. Lastly, they’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure that the procedure worked.

If you’re looking for a responsible dental service that takes post-op care seriously, then Bondi Dentists are who you want. Schedule an appointment today for the best dental care in New South Wales.